Losing your crisp jawline can show your age like nothing else. But because it happens gradually, it’s hard to recognize in yourself. If you’re wondering if it’s time to get rid of your jowls, try this quick test: Pull up a picture of yourself from 10 years ago and compare it to a recent photo.
Or just hold up that old picture next to your reflection in the mirror. See a difference? Specifically, do you see two pronounced folds from the nose to your lip? Does your jawline seem a little lower now? If so, there’s a way to get neck tightening without surgery. We utilize and recommend Ultherapy to tighten sagging neck and Jowl areas.
The two lines you noticed below your nose are the nasolabial folds, which become more pronounced with age. Why? The older we get, the more fat we lose in our faces. As we lose volume in our cheeks, everything slides down.
You’ll see more wrinkles and a drooping jawline. When we ask patients what type of results they want to see, they lift up their cheeks and say, “I want to look like this!” They’re really saying, “I want the fullness in my cheeks back!” They’ve lost volume in their face, and their skin has gravitated down, forming nasolabial folds, marionette lines at the corners of the mouth, and sagging jowls. The fix is simple — add volume!
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Take control of your aesthetic journey and give yourself a beautiful future with a consultation at Lucali Aesthetics and Regenerative Medicine. Dr. Lulic and the Lucali team look forward to providing you a future that looks and feels beautiful. Schedule your consultation and see the Lucali difference for yourself.
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